Album details

Artist Thomas Wilbrandt
Album The Electric V.
Year 1984
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 17
Track DR
13 15 13 13 12 12 16 10 12 09 09 10 15 15 12 13 14 12 12 17 11 17 13 10 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Mercury
Label code LC 0268
Catalog number 818 147-1[Q]
Bar code 042281814716
Country Germany
Log file
 Analyzed folder: E:\Eigene Platten Wave\T\Thomas Wilbrandt - The Electric V\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR13	   over    	 -20.47 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Beating the Cold]The Farewell (The Electric V.) 25.wav
 DR15	  -7.39 dB	 -28.00 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Breaking the Ice]The Winter Song (The Electric V.) 24.wav
 DR13	  -2.03 dB	 -18.48 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Dancing (At Crystal Palace) (The Electric V.) 23.wav
 DR13	  -4.04 dB	 -21.78 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Hi Life! (The Electric V.) 16.wav
 DR12	  -0.19 dB	 -18.48 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Hot Stuff (The Electric V.) 12.wav
 DR12	  -6.94 dB	 -25.15 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Idyll (The Electric V.) 9.wav
 DR16	  -4.20 dB	 -24.45 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Leaves and Lutes (The Electric V.) 15.wav
 DR10	  -5.87 dB	 -21.33 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Phases (The Electric V.) 18.wav
 DR12	 -14.46 dB	 -28.70 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Radio Music (The Electric V.) 22.wav
 DR9	  -3.44 dB	 -16.80 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Sketches of Spring a.) Chant I (The Electric V.) 3.wav
 DR9	  -6.46 dB	 -19.43 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Sketches of Spring b.) Chant II (The Electric V.) 4.wav
 DR10	  -2.65 dB	 -15.84 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Sketches of Spring c.) Chant III (The Electric V.) 5.wav
 DR15	   over    	 -19.52 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Sketches of Spring d.) The Movie (The Electric V.) 6.wav
 DR15	  -7.95 dB	 -30.23 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Sketches of Spring e.) Spring Water (The Electric V.) 7.wav
 DR12	  -8.09 dB	 -25.30 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Sketches of Spring f.) The Glass Bead Game (The Electric V.) 8.wav
 DR13	   over    	 -17.32 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The Celebration (The Electric V.) 19.wav
 DR14	  -7.34 dB	 -27.56 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The Crescendo of Spring (Dawn) (The Electric V.) 1.wav
 DR12	  -1.33 dB	 -17.50 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The electric Bird (The Electric V.) 2.wav
 DR12	  -5.63 dB	 -21.68 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The electric Harpsichord (The Electric V.) 21.wav
 DR17	  -1.70 dB	 -26.07 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The Heat (The Electric V.) 11.wav
 DR11	  -5.07 dB	 -21.16 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The Meditation (The Electric V.) 13.wav
 DR17	  -2.55 dB	 -24.85 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - The San Marco Sequence (The Electric V.) 17.wav
 DR13	  -0.00 dB	 -17.45 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Thunder and Lightning (The Electric V.) 14.wav
 DR10	 -12.41 dB	 -25.13 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Twilight (The Electric V.) 10.wav
 DR14	  -1.54 dB	 -22.96 dB	 Thomas Wilbrandt - Wide white Horizon (The Electric V.) 20.wav

 Number of files:    25
 Official DR value:  DR13 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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