Album details

Artist The Mountain Goats
Album Getting Into Knives
Year 2020
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
10 08 11 07 11 11 13 11 11 09 09 11 14
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Merge Records
Label code
Catalog number MRG716
Bar code 673855071626
Country US
Log file
foobar2000 1.6.13 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2023-11-14 21:55:27

Analyzed: The Mountain Goats / Getting Into Knives

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR10      -0.32 dB   -12.78 dB      2:20 01-Corsican Mastiff Stride
DR8       -0.10 dB   -10.07 dB      3:19 02-Get Famous
DR11      -0.38 dB   -12.71 dB      4:20 03-Picture of My Dress
DR7       -0.31 dB    -9.12 dB      3:24 04-As Many Candles as Possible
DR11      -0.36 dB   -13.53 dB      5:25 05-Tidal Wave
DR11      -0.25 dB   -13.40 dB      4:56 06-Pez dorado
DR13      -0.41 dB   -17.11 dB      4:41 07-The Last Place I Saw You Alive
DR11      -0.32 dB   -14.23 dB      5:50 08-Bell Swamp Connection
DR11      -0.37 dB   -15.01 dB      5:03 09-The Great Gold Sheep
DR9       -0.08 dB   -10.26 dB      4:09 10-Rat Queen
DR9       -0.33 dB   -12.21 dB      3:49 11-Wolf Count
DR11      -0.16 dB   -12.86 dB      4:07 12-Harbor Me
DR14      -0.35 dB   -16.25 dB      5:14 13-Getting Into Knives

Number of tracks:  13
Official DR value: DR10

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           710 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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