Album details

Artist Various Artists
Album Factory Records (Communications 1978-92) CD2
Year 2009
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
07 10 09 12 09 12 09 09 09 10 10 09
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Warner Music
Label code
Catalog number 2564-69379-0
Bar code 8 25646 93790 5
Country UK
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\sergi\Desktop\Converted\Various Artists - Factory Records Communications 1978-92 (1981- 84)\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR7	  -1.00 dB	  -9.77 dB	 01 - New Order - Everything's Gone Green.wav
 DR10	  -0.03 dB	 -10.63 dB	 02 - Tunnelvision - Watching The Hydroplanes.wav
 DR9	  -0.02 dB	 -10.97 dB	 03 - The Durutti Column - Messidor.wav
 DR12	  -0.02 dB	 -13.14 dB	 04 - A Certain Ratio - Knife Slits Water.wav
 DR9	  -0.02 dB	 -10.43 dB	 05 - Royal Family & The Poor - Art On 45.wav
 DR12	  -0.13 dB	 -13.14 dB	 06 - Swamp Children - Taste What's Rhythm.wav
 DR9	  -0.03 dB	 -11.11 dB	 07 - New Order - Temptation.wav
 DR9	  -0.02 dB	 -10.73 dB	 08 - 52nd Street - Cool As Ice.wav
 DR9	  -0.02 dB	 -10.29 dB	 09 - New Order - Blue Monday.wav
 DR10	  -0.02 dB	 -11.30 dB	 10 - Cabaret Voltaire - Yashar (John Robie Remix).wav
 DR10	  -0.02 dB	 -11.05 dB	 11 - Quando Quango - Love Tempo.wav
 DR9	  -0.02 dB	 -10.81 dB	 12 - The Wake - Talk About The Past.wav

 Number of files:    12
 Official DR value:  DR10 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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