Album details

Artist The Tony Williams Lifetime
Album (Turn It Over)
Year 2011
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
09 09 09 08 09 08 08 11 10 10
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Esoteric Recordings
Label code
Catalog number ECLEC2257
Bar code 5013929735729
Country EC/MCPS
Comment Esoteric Recordings remaster © 2011 Cherry Red Records
Log file
 Analyzed: The Tony Williams Lifetime\(Turn It Over)
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR9        -1.32 dB   -12.36 dB  01 To Whom It May Concern - Them.wav
DR9        -0.95 dB   -11.78 dB  02 To Whom It May Concern - Us.wav
DR9        -0.94 dB   -12.61 dB  03 This Night This Song.wav   
DR8        -0.97 dB   -11.40 dB  04 Big Nick.wav               
DR9        -0.80 dB   -12.01 dB  05 Right On.wav               
DR8        -1.71 dB   -14.93 dB  06 Once I Loved.wav           
DR8        -0.05 dB   -10.41 dB  07 Vuelta Abajo.wav           
DR11       -0.72 dB   -14.10 dB  08 A Famous Blues.wav         
DR10       -0.41 dB   -13.01 dB  09 Allah Be Praised.wav       
DR10       -0.05 dB   -12.65 dB  10 One Word.wav               

 Number of Files: 10
 Official DR Value: DR9

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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