Album details

Artist The Neighbourhood
Album The Neighbourhood
Year 2018
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
05 04 05 04 04 05 05 05 04 06 06 04
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Columbia
Label code LC 00162
Catalog number 19075833202
Bar code 190758332024
Country Europe
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\DR METER\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR5	  -0.10 dB	  -6.73 dB	 01. The Neighbourhood - Flowers.wav
 DR4	  -0.10 dB	  -4.79 dB	 02. The Neighbourhood - Scary Love.wav
 DR5	  -0.10 dB	  -7.46 dB	 03. The Neighbourhood - Nervous.wav
 DR4	  -0.10 dB	  -6.90 dB	 04. The Neighbourhood - Void.wav
 DR4	  -0.10 dB	  -5.43 dB	 05. The Neighbourhood - Softcore.wav
 DR5	  -0.10 dB	  -7.77 dB	 06. The Neighbourhood - Blue.wav
 DR5	  -0.10 dB	  -6.98 dB	 07. The Neighbourhood - Sadderdaze.wav
 DR5	  -0.20 dB	  -7.25 dB	 08. The Neighbourhood - Revenge.wav
 DR4	  -0.10 dB	  -5.50 dB	 09. The Neighbourhood - You Get Me So High.wav
 DR6	  -0.10 dB	  -7.93 dB	 10. The Neighbourhood - Reflections.wav
 DR6	  -0.10 dB	  -8.55 dB	 11. The Neighbourhood - Too Serious.wav
 DR4	  -0.10 dB	  -5.89 dB	 12. The Neighbourhood - Stuck with Me.wav

 Number of files:    12
 Official DR value:  DR5 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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