Album details

Artist Sault
Album 5
Year 2019
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
07 07 07 06 12 07 07 15 07 07 06 06 14 06
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Forever Living Originals
Label code
Catalog number FLO0002CD
Bar code 036336509610
Country UK
Log file
foobar2000 1.6.7 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2023-08-10 17:33:01
Analyzed: Sault / 5

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR7        0.00 dB    -8.25 dB      4:17 01-Up All Night
DR7        0.00 dB    -8.47 dB      3:16 02-Don't Waste My Time
DR7        0.00 dB    -7.23 dB      3:13 03-Foot On Necks
DR6        0.00 dB    -6.96 dB      4:00 04-Why Why Why Why Why
DR12       0.00 dB   -19.32 dB      1:52 05-Pink Sands
DR7        0.00 dB    -7.60 dB      3:14 06-Let Me Go
DR7        0.00 dB    -8.20 dB      5:45 07-Masterpiece
DR15      -6.87 dB   -24.07 dB      0:19 08-Add a Little Bit of Sault
DR7        0.00 dB    -8.40 dB      3:12 09-Something's in the Air
DR7       -0.11 dB    -7.50 dB      2:48 10-Think About It
DR6        0.00 dB   -10.44 dB      0:51 11-Wild Hundreds, Pt.5
DR6       -0.27 dB    -7.97 dB      3:57 12-We Are The Sun
DR14      -1.26 dB   -20.40 dB      1:29 13-Wild Hundreds, Pt.55
DR6        0.00 dB    -9.44 dB      3:46 14-B.A.B.E

Number of tracks:  14
Official DR value: DR8

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           1411 kbps
Codec:             CDDA
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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