Album details

Artist Various Artists
Album Volume 17 - Fifth Birthday Bumper Bonanza!
Year 1996
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 16
Track DR
13 12 11 09 12 13 14 14 14 10 16 12 14 12 13 12 12 13 11 09 12 11 13 11 12 13 13 12 11 12
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Volume
Label code
Catalog number 17VCD17
Bar code
Country EU
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Volume 17 - Fifth Birthday Bumper Bonanza!
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR13		-0.11 dB 	-14.66 dB 	1-01 Alabama 3 - Woke Up This Mornin'.m4a
 DR12		-1.04 dB 	-15.50 dB 	1-02 Elastica - Love Like Ours.m4a
 DR11		-2.73 dB 	-14.77 dB 	1-03 Travis - U 16 Girls.m4a
 DR9		-2.60 dB 	-12.94 dB 	1-04 Terrorvision - Conspiracy [Remix].m4a
 DR12		-0.12 dB 	-14.55 dB 	1-05 Gallon Drunk - All This and More.m4a
 DR13		-0.96 dB 	-17.51 dB 	1-06 dEUS - The Magic of New Pop Music.m4a
 DR14		-0.63 dB 	-18.04 dB 	1-07 Morphine - Never Live Twice [Live].m4a
 DR14		-0.39 dB 	-16.89 dB 	1-08 Bjork - Possibly Maybe [Lucy Mix].m4a
 DR14		-0.22 dB 	-16.17 dB 	1-09 Longpigs - On and On [Pass the Snake Mix].m4a
 DR10		-3.66 dB 	-15.98 dB 	1-10 Rare - Rollercoaster.m4a
 DR16		-0.58 dB 	-18.18 dB 	1-11 Little Axe - What Have You Got?.m4a
 DR12		-4.02 dB 	-16.98 dB 	1-12 Turn-On - Latin Gloop.m4a
 DR14		-1.42 dB 	-17.81 dB 	1-13 System 7 - Big Sky City.m4a
 DR12		-0.07 dB 	-13.92 dB 	1-14 Curve - Test.m4a
 DR13		-0.65 dB 	-18.73 dB 	2-01 Drugstore - Communication Breakdown.m4a
 DR12		-1.20 dB 	-16.84 dB 	2-02 Throwing Muses - Like a Dog.m4a
 DR12		-3.26 dB 	-17.58 dB 	2-03 Elvis Costello - What Do I Do Now?.m4a
 DR13		-0.16 dB 	-15.22 dB 	2-04 The Auteurs - Unsolved Child Murder [Original Demo Version].m4a
 DR11		-0.02 dB 	-14.04 dB 	2-05 Catatonia - Mickey [BBC Acoustic Version].m4a
 DR9		-0.02 dB 	-11.73 dB 	2-06 Cuckoo - More of Me (and Then Some) [Original Demo Version].m4a
 DR12		-0.65 dB 	-13.92 dB 	2-07 Fruit - Leather Jacket.m4a
 DR11		-3.68 dB 	-16.16 dB 	2-08 Mel McCrory - Here I Am.m4a
 DR13		-0.63 dB 	-16.07 dB 	2-09 The Divine Comedy - Through a Long and Sleepless Night [Live Studio Version].m4a
 DR11		-0.68 dB 	-14.71 dB 	2-10 Cocteau Twins - Touch upon Touch.m4a
 DR12		-1.82 dB 	-16.83 dB 	2-11 Geneva - Closer to the Stars.m4a
 DR13		-0.33 dB 	-16.70 dB 	2-12 Fiel Garvie - Risk.m4a
 DR13		-0.28 dB 	-16.70 dB 	2-13 Fringe - I'll Keep It in Mind.m4a
 DR12		-0.41 dB 	-16.78 dB 	2-14 Bettie Serveert - Spine [Live Acoustic].m4a
 DR11		-3.47 dB 	-18.39 dB 	2-15 Bill Janovitz - Red Balloon.m4a
 DR12		-2.41 dB 	-17.34 dB 	2-16 Mindless Drug Hoover - Volume.m4a

 Number of files:	30
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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