Album details

Artist The Meters
Album Mardi Gras Mambo (Disc 4 - Getting Funkier All The Time - The Complete Josie/Reprise & Warner Recordings)
Year 2020
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
13 12 13 14 14 13 14 13 13 14 13 13 13 13 14 13 13 13
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label SoulMusic Records
Label code
Catalog number QSMCR-5190BX
Bar code 064027109627
Country UK
Log file
Analyzed: The Meters / Mardi Gras Mambo (Disc 4 - Getting Funkier All The Time - The Complete Josie/Reprise & Warner Recordings)

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.17 dB     11:47 01-It Ain't No Use
DR12      -0.78 dB   -14.69 dB      3:14 02-Loving You Is On My Mind
DR13      -0.40 dB   -14.78 dB      3:58 03-Africa
DR14      -0.40 dB   -15.69 dB      3:35 04-Out In The Country
DR14      -0.40 dB   -15.57 dB      4:06 05-Fire On The Bayou
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.13 dB      4:56 06-Love Slip Upon Ya
DR14      -0.40 dB   -15.28 dB      3:34 07-Talkin' 'Bout New Orleans
DR13      -0.40 dB   -14.89 dB      4:10 08-They All Ask'd For You
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.37 dB      3:49 09-Can You Do Without?
DR14      -0.40 dB   -15.45 dB      5:09 10-Liar
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.64 dB      4:08 11-You're A Friend Of Mine
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.31 dB      7:54 12-Middle Of The Road
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.57 dB      1:24 13-Running Fast
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.00 dB      2:36 14-Mardi Gras Mambo
DR14      -0.40 dB   -15.83 dB      3:23 15-Keep On Marching
DR13      -0.40 dB   -15.35 dB      2:56 16-He Bite Me
DR13      -0.40 dB   -16.00 dB      2:21 17-A Mother's Love
DR13      -0.40 dB   -14.86 dB      2:45 18-Jambalaya (On The Bayou)

Number of tracks:  18
Official DR value: DR13

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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