Album details

Artist Hans Zimmer
Album No Time to Die
Year 2021
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
10 10 08 10 10 09 10 10 08 08 09 08 11 09 14 11 11 10 11 11 08
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Decca Records
Label code 00171
Catalog number 0882343
Bar code 618f8905-ccae-4b76-b187-c2597fa30cc7
Country Austria
Log file
foobar2000 1.6.11 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2023-01-07 01:18:36

Analyzed: Hans Zimmer / No Time to Die

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR10      -0.60 dB   -15.82 dB      0:56 01-Gun Barrel
DR10      -0.60 dB   -15.49 dB      1:59 02-Matera
DR8       -0.60 dB   -11.97 dB      6:35 03-Message From an Old Friend
DR10      -0.60 dB   -15.99 dB      2:07 04-Square Escape
DR10      -0.60 dB   -15.44 dB      2:57 05-Someone Was Here
DR9       -6.28 dB   -22.49 dB      1:24 06-Not What I Expected
DR10      -0.59 dB   -16.19 dB      2:15 07-What Have You Done?
DR10      -0.60 dB   -16.35 dB      1:22 08-Shouldn’t We Get to Know Each Other First
DR8       -0.60 dB   -11.71 dB      5:41 09-Cuba Chase
DR8       -0.60 dB   -12.96 dB      1:30 10-Back to MI6
DR9       -1.17 dB   -14.16 dB      1:17 11-Good to Have You Back
DR8       -0.60 dB   -17.96 dB      1:26 12-Lovely to See You Again
DR11      -0.60 dB   -18.50 dB      3:45 13-Home
DR9       -0.60 dB   -13.93 dB      5:07 14-Norway Chase
DR14      -1.60 dB   -21.91 dB      2:53 15-Gearing Up
DR11      -0.60 dB   -17.99 dB      3:58 16-Poison Garden
DR11      -0.60 dB   -15.75 dB      6:43 17-The Factory
DR10      -0.60 dB   -14.32 dB      5:00 18-I’ll Be Right Back
DR11      -0.60 dB   -15.19 dB      2:45 19-Opening the Doors
DR11      -0.60 dB   -17.49 dB      7:25 20-Final Ascent
DR8       -1.16 dB   -15.17 dB      4:04 21-No Time to Die / Billie Eilish

Number of tracks:  21
Official DR value: DR10

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           702 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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