Album details

Artist New Order
Album Be a Rebel
Year 2020
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 07
Track DR
07 07 07 06
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source Download
Label Mute
Label code
Catalog number 12MUTE619US
Bar code 7 24596 10171 1
Country US
Comment Digital download included with 12" vinyl single From Discogs: "In actual fact the digital download versions of A2 and B2 that are included with the code are different mixes to those that appear on the vinyl. On the download version of A2 there is a guitar solo from 3.43 to 4.12 that isn't on the vinyl version.On the vinyl version the same melody in that time section is on a synth instead. The download version length is 6.25 whereas the vinyl is timed here at 6.32 due to an extra 4 bars inserted at 4:00 on the vinyl. On B2 there is a guitar solo from 3.22 to 4.02 on the download which doesn't appear at all on the vinyl. The download version length is 6.18 whereas on the vinyl it's timed here at 6.32 due to the same inserted 4 bars as on A2"
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /New Order/Be a Rebel
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR7		-0.21 dB 	-7.94 dB 	01 Be a Rebel.m4a
 DR7		-0.21 dB 	-8.15 dB 	02 Be a Rebel [Bernard's Renegade Mix].m4a
 DR7		-0.21 dB 	-8.40 dB 	03 Be a Rebel [Stephen's T34 Mix].m4a
 DR6		-0.21 dB 	-7.67 dB 	04 Be a Rebel [Bernard's Renegade Instrumental Mix].m4a

 Number of files:	4
 Official DR value:	DR7

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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