Album details

Artist Little Milton
Album Blues 'N Soul
Year 1996
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
14 12 12 12 13 13 15 14
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Blues Interactions, Inc.
Label code
Catalog number PCD-4424
Bar code 4995879044247
Country Japan
Log file
foobar2000 1.6.4 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2022-09-29 01:17:05

Analyzed: Little Milton / Blues 'N Soul (PCD-4424)

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR14      -1.58 dB   -18.11 dB      4:17 01-Woman Across The River
DR12      -0.23 dB   -15.39 dB      4:03 02-Behind Closed Doors
DR12      -1.21 dB   -16.81 dB      3:33 03-Sweet Woman Of Mine
DR12      -2.04 dB   -17.91 dB      5:23 04-Worried Dreamer
DR13      -0.41 dB   -16.44 dB      5:00 05-How Could You Do It To Me
DR13      -0.35 dB   -15.54 dB      3:02 06-You're No Good
DR15      -1.40 dB   -19.95 dB      6:31 07-Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do
DR14      -0.31 dB   -16.12 dB      4:15 08-Hard Luck Blues

Number of tracks:  8
Official DR value: DR13

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   16
Bitrate:           935 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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