Album details

Artist GG Allin & The Criminal Quartet
Album Carnival Of Excess
Year 1995
Album DR 14
Min. track DR 12
Max. track DR 18
Track DR
14 13 12 14 18 15 14 12 13 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Vinyl Retentive Productions
Label code
Catalog number VRP 004
Bar code
Comment This is a CD, despite the label being called Vinyl Retentive Productions
Log file
 Analyzed Folder: /Users/kitty/Desktop/Desktop_dr.txt
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR14       -0.45 dB   -16.85 dB  01 Outskirts Of Life.aiff     
DR13       -0.43 dB   -16.10 dB  02 Guns Bitches Brawls & Bottles.aiff
DR12       -1.40 dB   -16.84 dB  03 Carmelita.aiff             
DR14       -0.05 dB   -17.86 dB  04 Watch Me Kill.aiff         
DR18       -0.07 dB   -22.38 dB  05 Fuck Authority.aiff        
DR15       -0.01 dB   -17.06 dB  06 Son Of Evil.aiff           
DR14       -1.11 dB   -18.51 dB  07 Snakemans Dance.aiff       
DR12       -7.61 dB   -21.32 dB  08 Pick Me Up.aiff            
DR13       -5.20 dB   -20.81 dB  09 No Rights.aiff             
DR12       -7.12 dB   -20.39 dB  10 Borrowed Time.aiff         

 Number of Files: 10
 Official DR Value: DR14

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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