Album details

Artist Ornette Coleman
Album Tomorrow is the Question
Year 2022
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 14
Max. track DR 16
Track DR
14 15 14 15 15 15 16 16 15
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Craft Recordings
Label code
Catalog number CR 00396
Bar code 8 88072 40151 8
Country US
Comment Redbook layer of hybrid SACD. Newly mastered from the original tapes by Bernie Grundman.
Log file
Folder Path:   E:\My Music\Ornette Coleman\Tomorrow Is The Question!

                    File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

01 - Tomorrow Is The Question |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.13 | -17.24 |       14 | 
            02 - Tears Inside |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.38 | -18.11 |       15 | 
           03 - Mind And Time |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.23 | -17.02 |       14 | 
              04 - Compassion |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -1.39 | -19.71 |       15 | 
                 05 - Giggin' |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.35 | -18.58 |       15 | 
               06 - Rejoicing |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.75 | -18.80 |       15 | 
                07 - Lorraine |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.06 | -18.26 |       16 | 
              08 - Turnaround |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.28 | -19.06 |       16 | 
                 09 - Endless |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.05 | -17.58 |       15 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 9
Official EP/Album DR: 15
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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Copyright © 2022