Album details

Artist The Cure
Album Disintegration
Year 2016
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
10 12 10 13 11 13 10 10 11 10 11 12
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Vinyl
Label Fiction
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment MPO pressing
Log file
foobar2000 1.6.7 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2022-07-04 15:13:22

Analyzed: The Cure / Disintegration

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR10      -6.11 dB   -17.51 dB      5:10 01-Plainsong
DR12      -4.96 dB   -18.41 dB      7:26 02-Pictures of you
DR10      -5.36 dB   -17.16 dB      4:15 03-Closedown
DR13      -5.42 dB   -19.63 dB      3:28 04-Lovesong
DR11      -4.36 dB   -17.91 dB      4:44 05-Last dance
DR13      -5.80 dB   -20.70 dB      4:09 06-Lullabye
DR10      -5.28 dB   -17.46 dB      5:09 07-Fascination Street
DR10      -3.94 dB   -16.46 dB      6:11 08-Prayers for rain
DR11      -3.80 dB   -17.64 dB      9:01 09-The same deep water as you
DR10      -4.89 dB   -17.01 dB      8:17 10-Disintegration
DR11      -4.15 dB   -19.34 dB      7:06 11-Homesick
DR12      -6.35 dB   -20.98 dB      6:21 12-Untitled

Number of tracks:  12
Official DR value: DR11

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bitrate:           320 kbps
Codec:             MP3
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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