Album details

Artist Eric Clapton
Album Nothing But The Blues
Year 2022
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
08 09 09 09 10 09 09 14 08 11 10 10 09 09 10 10 09
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
Label Reprise
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
 Analyzed Folder: /
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR8        -0.00 dB   -9.91 dB   01 - Blues All Day Long (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.02 dB   -10.86 dB  02 - Standin' Round Crying (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.01 dB   -9.95 dB   03 - Forty-Four (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.06 dB   -10.09 dB  04 - It Hurts Me Too (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR10       -0.09 dB   -13.12 dB  05 - Early in the Morning (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.00 dB   -9.67 dB   06 - Five Long Years (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.00 dB   -10.30 dB  07 - Crossroads (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR14       -0.14 dB   -17.24 dB  08 - Malted Milk Blues (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR8        over       -10.23 dB  09 - Motherless Child (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR11       -0.13 dB   -12.89 dB  10 - How Long Blues (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR10       -0.10 dB   -11.43 dB  11 - Reconsider Baby (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR10       over       -12.00 dB  12 - Sinner's Prayer (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        over       -9.79 dB   13 - Everyday I Have the Blues (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.10 dB   -9.97 dB   14 - Someday After a While (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR10       -0.10 dB   -11.31 dB  15 - Have You Ever Loved a Woman (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR10       -0.06 dB   -10.47 dB  16 - I'm Tore Down (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac
DR9        -0.10 dB   -10.05 dB  17 - Groaning the Blues (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994).flac

 Number of Files: 17
 Official DR Value: DR10

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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