Album details

Artist Prismadoll
Album Straight To TV EP
Year 2020
Album DR 13
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
14 15 12 12 15 12 12 13 13 11 14 12 12 13
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Download
Label No Agreements
Label code
Catalog number NA_007
Bar code
Country US
Comment I'm Prismadoll. This upload is directly from the source of these songs' creation; my Reaper project folders. I rendered these songs in 24-bit WAV in 2020 when I finished them. I do not feel like rendering these songs again in lower bit WAV, 16-bit, since TT DR Meter doesn't read the original 24-bit files. Have some 44.1khz 320kbps MP3s instead. I auto-converted them off iTunes lmao
Log file
 Analyzed folder: D:\iTunes\iTunes Media\Prismadoll\Straight To TV EP\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR14	  -0.88 dB	 -18.91 dB	 01 Seychelles.mp3
 DR15	  -0.84 dB	 -17.04 dB	 02 Mina Mona Mora Mira.mp3
 DR12	  -3.97 dB	 -19.77 dB	 03 The Ordinary Loop.mp3
 DR12	  -1.92 dB	 -16.14 dB	 04 The Connecting Loop.mp3
 DR15	  -1.21 dB	 -17.69 dB	 05 Legionnaires.mp3
 DR12	  -0.82 dB	 -17.26 dB	 06 Malachite.mp3
 DR12	  -1.58 dB	 -15.81 dB	 07 The Same.mp3
 DR13	  -0.32 dB	 -15.90 dB	 08 Who Am I_.mp3
 DR13	  -1.28 dB	 -16.73 dB	 09 Leave Me Now.mp3
 DR11	  -6.03 dB	 -17.63 dB	 10 The Grieving Loop.mp3
 DR14	  -0.16 dB	 -19.11 dB	 11 Days On Zero One.mp3
 DR12	  -1.10 dB	 -16.35 dB	 12 Extinction.mp3
 DR12	  -2.15 dB	 -20.56 dB	 13 The Longplay Loop.mp3
 DR13	  -0.00 dB	 -15.24 dB	 14 Meyers.mp3

 Number of files:    14
 Official DR value:  DR13 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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