Album details

Artist Morbid Angel
Album Kingdoms Disdained
Year 2017
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment Raw Mastered Version by Trey Azagthoth. Available as download on the band's Bandcamp page.
Log file
Folder Path:   /Users/Benjamin/Downloads/Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth)

                                                                                                          File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

    Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 01 Piles of Little Arms |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.10 | -12.40 |       11 | 
                Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 02 D.E.A.D. |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.17 | -12.25 |       11 | 
     Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 03 Garden of Disdained |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.21 | -12.23 |       11 | 
     Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 04 The Righteous Voice |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.68 | -12.33 |       11 | 
Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 05 Architect and Iconoclast |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.24 | -12.20 |       11 | 
        Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 06 Paradigms Warped |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.14 | -12.59 |       11 | 
   Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 07 The Pillars Crumbling |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.21 | -12.47 |       11 | 
           Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 08 For No Master |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.07 | -12.01 |       11 | 
       Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 09 Declaring New Law |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.18 | -12.45 |       11 | 
  Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 10 From the Hand of Kings |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.21 | -12.27 |       11 | 
       Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Raw Mastered Version - Mastered by Trey Azagthoth) - 11 The Fall of Idols |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.07 | -12.31 |       11 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 11
Official EP/Album DR: 11
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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