Album details

Artist Steve Kilbey & Gareth Koch
Album Chryse Planitia
Year 2020
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
08 09 08 09 08 09 07 11 10 11 08 09
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Foghorn Records
Label code
Catalog number FOG486
Bar code 9324690174461
Country Australia
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Steve Kilbey & Gareth Koch | Chryse Planitia | 2020 | Foghorn Records/MGM | FOG486 | 9324690174461 | CD 32783 MADE IN AUSTRALIA DEX AUDIO
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR8	  -0.27 dB	  -9.63 dB	 01 Fallen Crown
 DR9	  -0.26 dB	 -11.85 dB	 02 The Fatal Hour
 DR8	  -0.21 dB	  -9.25 dB	 03 Thylacine
 DR9	  -0.28 dB	 -10.66 dB	 04 Tears At The End Of The World
 DR8	  -0.29 dB	 -10.35 dB	 05 Ophelia Without Wine
 DR9	  -0.27 dB	 -10.68 dB	 06 Scattered Coins
 DR7	  -0.24 dB	  -8.90 dB	 07 Stay Where You Are
 DR11	  -0.31 dB	 -12.65 dB	 08 Heart Is Heavy
 DR10	  -0.30 dB	 -12.63 dB	 09 Lady Ishtar In Her Garden
 DR11	  -0.86 dB	 -15.15 dB	 10 She Moved Through The Fair
 DR8	  -0.28 dB	 -11.20 dB	 11 Broken Toys
 DR9	  -0.27 dB	 -12.35 dB	 12 Lost At Sea

 Number of files:    12
 Official DR value:  DR9 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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