Album details

Artist The Flaming Lips
Album Oh My Gawd!!!
Year 1987
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
10 10 13 14 12 10 10 13 11 15 15
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Restless Records
Label code
Catalog number 7 72207-2
Bar code 0018777220729
Country US
Comment This is one of the earliest instances of brickwall limiting I've seen. Dynamics are better here than on later releases, but there is a hard cut-off that removes probably around 1-3 dB of dynamic range, depending on the song. Neither 'Hear It Is' nor 'Telepathic Surgery' on Restless are mastered like this. Considering what the Lips would go on to do to their music in post-production years later, one has to wonder if they had a hand in the mastering of this CD.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: The Flaming Lips | Oh My Gawd!!! . . . | 1987 | Restless Records | 7 72207-2 | 0018777220729 | 72207-2 (V) : :MASTERED: :BY NIMBUS:
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR10	  -0.49 dB	 -12.94 dB	 01 Everything's Explodin'
 DR10	  -0.49 dB	 -14.96 dB	 02 One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning
 DR13	  -0.49 dB	 -16.16 dB	 03 Maximum Dream For Evil Knievel
 DR14	  -0.49 dB	 -18.42 dB	 04 Can't Exist
 DR12	  -2.11 dB	 -17.98 dB	 05 Ode To C.C. (Part I)
 DR10	  -0.49 dB	 -15.00 dB	 06 The Ceiling Is Bendin'
 DR10	  -0.49 dB	 -12.23 dB	 07 Prescription: Love
 DR13	  -0.49 dB	 -17.94 dB	 08 Thanks To You
 DR11	  -0.49 dB	 -13.61 dB	 09 Can't Stop The Spring
 DR15	  -0.49 dB	 -21.61 dB	 10 Ode To C.C. (Part II)
 DR15	  -0.49 dB	 -19.42 dB	 11 Love Yer Brain

 Number of files:    11
 Official DR value:  DR12 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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