Album details

Artist Crass
Album Stations of the Crass [The Crassical Collection] (Disc 2 of 2)
Year 2020
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
12 04 05 06 05 04 11 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 08 09 12
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source CD
Label Crass Records
Label code
Catalog number CC02 R
Bar code 5016958088286
Country UK
Comment Remastering Producer Penny Rimbaud, Remastering Engineer Harvey Birrell
Log file
Folder Path:   E:\My Music\Crass\Stations of the Crass [The Crassical Collection] (Disc 2 of 2)

                                                                            File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                                                   01 - Radio Radicals - Thread Track |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |   -10.78 | -26.21 |       12 | 
         02 - Shaved Women [The John Peel Session, BBC Maida Vale 4, 28th March 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.13 |  -5.39 |        4 | 
   03 - They've Got a Bomb [The John Peel Session, BBC Maida Vale 4, 28th March 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.09 |  -4.65 |        5 | 
                04 - Tired [The John Peel Session, BBC Maida Vale 4, 28th March 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.15 |  -7.12 |        6 | 
             05 - G's Song [The John Peel Session, BBC Maida Vale 4, 28th March 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.11 |  -5.97 |        5 | 
         06 - Mother Earth [The John Peel Session, BBC Maida Vale 4, 28th March 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.05 |  -3.49 |        4 | 
                                                       07 - Gozonabit - Run Out Track |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |   -11.18 | -24.69 |       11 | 
                  08 - System [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.24 |  -9.54 |        9 | 
     09 - Big Man, Big M.A.N. [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.23 |  -8.92 |        9 | 
    10 - Banned From the Roxy [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.23 |  -9.05 |        9 | 
           11 - Hurry Up Gary [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.24 |  -8.74 |        9 | 
                12 - Time Out [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.21 |  -9.08 |        9 | 
      13 - They've Got a Bomb [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.22 |  -8.65 |        9 | 
     14 - Fight War, Not Wars [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.22 |  -8.96 |        9 | 
                   15 - Women [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.28 |  -8.76 |        9 | 
            16 - Shaved Women [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.23 |  -9.12 |        9 | 
                 17 - You Pay [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.24 |  -8.61 |        9 | 
    18 - Heard Too Much About [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.24 |  -9.40 |        9 | 
                  19 - Angels [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.23 |  -8.57 |        9 | 
            20 - What a Shame [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.23 |  -9.36 |        9 | 
                 21 - So What [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.24 |  -9.22 |        9 | 
                22 - G's Song [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.25 |  -9.47 |        9 | 
23 - Do They Owe Us a Living¿ [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.24 |  -8.98 |        8 | 
            24 - Punk Is Dead [Live At The Pied Bull, Islington, London, August 1979] |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.26 |  -8.17 |        9 | 
                                                       25 - Gozonabit - Run Out Track |  .flac | 44.1k |          16 |   -11.35 | -25.19 |       12 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 25
Official EP/Album DR: 8
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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