Album details

Artist John Coltrane
Album Coltrane Jazz
Year 2014
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 13 12 13 12 12 11 13
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label ORG Music ‎– ORGM-1090, Atlantic ‎– 1354
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code 711574708314
Country United States
Comment Mastered from the Original Analog Tapes at 45rpm at Bernie Grundman Studios Pressed on two 180 gram LPs at Pallas in Germany Tracks A1, B3 recorded on Tuesday, November 24, 1959, Atlantic Studios, New York City. Tracks A3 to B2, B4 recorded on Wednesday, December 2, 1959, Atlantic Studios, New York City. Track A2 recorded on Friday, October 21, 1960, Atlantic Studios, New York City. Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode: 711574708314 Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): ORGM-1090-A² BG/CB -29161- P. USA Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): ORGM-1090-B² BG/CB -29161- P. USA Matrix / Runout (Side C runout): ORGM-1090-C² BG/CB -29162- P. USA Matrix / Runout (Side D runout): ORGM-1090-D² BG/CB -29162- P. USA mc
Log file
Folder Path:   D:\Vinyl Rip\Mike Albums\John Coltrane\Coltrane Jazz

              File Name | Format |  SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

   01 - Little Old Lady |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -6.32 | -22.52 |       12 | 
     02 - Village Blues |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -6.36 | -22.90 |       13 | 
   03 - My Shining Hour |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.91 | -21.21 |       12 | 
       04 - Fifth House |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.21 | -22.25 |       13 | 
        05 - Harmonique |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.98 | -21.52 |       12 | 
        06 - Like Sonny |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -7.22 | -22.76 |       12 | 
07 - I'll Wait and Pray |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -9.27 | -23.61 |       11 | 
  08 - Some Other Blues |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.29 | -21.63 |       13 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 8
Official EP/Album DR: 12
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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