Album details

Artist Dire Straits
Album Dire Straits
Year 2019
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 13
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
14 13 14 15 15 14 15 15 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab ‎– MFSL 2-466
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code 821797246613
Country United States
Comment Special Edition. Printed in U.S.A. On back cover: Specially Plated and Pressed on 180g High-Definition Vinyl Production by Mobile Fidelity Sound LabⓇ No tracks duration listed on this release (added by timing the vinyl). Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode (Text): 8 21797 24661 3 Barcode (Scanned): 821797246613 Matrix / Runout (Side 1 runout, etched): MFSL 2-466 A8 31551-1 (3)... KW@MoFi Matrix / Runout (Side 2 runout, etched): MFSL 2-466 B4 31498-2 (3)... KW@MoFi Matrix / Runout (Side 3 runout, etched): MFSL 2-466 C4 31498.3 (3)... KW@MoFi Matrix / Runout (Side 4 runout, etched): MFSL 2-466 D4 31498.4 (3)... KW@MoFi
Log file
Folder Path:   D:\Vinyl Rip\Mike Albums\Dire Straits\Dire Straits

                 File Name | Format |  SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

01 - Down to the Waterline |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.69 | -22.06 |       14 | 
        02 - Water of Love |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.32 | -23.40 |       13 | 
        03 - Setting Me Up |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -6.07 | -22.27 |       14 | 
      04 - Six Blade Knife |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -6.77 | -25.96 |       15 | 
     05 - Southbound Again |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.45 | -23.00 |       15 | 
     06 - Sultans of Swing |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.72 | -21.69 |       14 | 
       07 - In the Gallery |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -6.56 | -25.32 |       15 | 
        08 - Wild West End |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.72 | -24.22 |       15 | 
                09 - Lions |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -6.93 | -24.36 |       14 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 9
Official EP/Album DR: 15
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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