Album details

Artist Steely Dan
Album Everything Must Go
Year 2021
Album DR 15
Min. track DR 13
Max. track DR 16
Track DR
16 15 14 14 13 16 13 15 15
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Reprise Records ‎
Label code 603497849109
Catalog number
Bar code 603497849109
Comment Record Store Day 2021 (June drops) release, 10,000 copies worldwide, 5,050 in USA. Hype sticker, with both cat. #s, on shrink: "If the world is headed for a fall, as foreseen here . . . might as well go down in the most luscious live-tracked stereo civilization has ever achieved." -Rolling Stone 180-Gram Some copies with sticker on back cover shrink: Made in Germany ℗ & © 2003 Reprise Records, a Warner Music Group Company. Manufactured for & Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company. Made in Germany. Publisher on labels: Published by Freejunket Music/Zeon Music ASCAP admin. by Len Freedman Music, Inc. Publisher on insert: © 2003 Freejunket Music/Zeon Music ASCAP admin. by Len Freedman Music, Inc. Recorded at Sear Sound, NYC; Skyline Studios, NYC; River Sound, NYC; Hyperbolic Sound, Maui; Bearsville Studios, Bearsville NY. Mixed at Presence Studios, Westport, CT. Mastering: Sony Music Studios Rights Society: ASCAP Rights Society: GEMA/BIEM Matrix / Runout (Side A runout, variant 1): R1-48435-A 0603497849109 CB BJ83486-01 A1 Matrix / Runout (Side B runout, variant 1): R1-48435-B 0603497849109 CB BJ83486-01 B1 Matrix / Runout (Side A runout, variant 2 (I1 mirrored)): R1-48435-A 0603497849109 I1 CB BJ83486-01 A1 Matrix / Runout (Side B runout, variant 2 (1= mirrored)): R1-48435-B 0603497849109 CB 1= BJ83486-01 B1 mc
Log file
Folder Path:   D:\Vinyl Rip\Mike Albums\Steely Dan\Everything Must Go

                  File Name | Format |  SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

         01 - The Last Mall |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -3.99 | -22.86 |       16 | 
02 - Things I Miss The Most |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.60 | -23.12 |       15 | 
           03 - Blues Beach |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.17 | -21.67 |       14 | 
            04 - Godwhacker |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.44 | -22.06 |       14 | 
         05 - Slang Of Ages |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.50 | -22.10 |       13 | 
            06 - Green Book |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.42 | -23.18 |       16 | 
              07 - Pixeleen |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -5.45 | -21.76 |       13 | 
       08 - Lunch With Gina |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.55 | -22.63 |       15 | 
    09 - Everything Must Go |   .wav | 48k |          24 |    -4.89 | -23.28 |       15 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 9
Official EP/Album DR: 15
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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