Album details

Artist Donald Fagen
Album The Nightfly
Year 1982
Album DR 16
Min. track DR 14
Max. track DR 18
Track DR
15 16 14 15 15 17 16 18
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Warner Brothers *
Label code
Catalog number 923696-2 (23696-2)*
Bar code 0 7599-23696-2
Country West Germany*
Comment 7599-23696-2 Warner Bros. matrix: 7599 23696-2 2893 021 03 * I've amended this original posting as mine has the same catalog number and DR track values. My additions are asterisk'd and I added the details 'Peak' and 'RMS', below. Mine is an 'red-orange' on gray 'Target'. Analyzed folder: M:\DFagenNightflyWGermTarget\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR15 -2.09 dB -19.33 dB Track01.wav DR16 -1.45 dB -20.56 dB Track02.wav DR14 -2.60 dB -20.96 dB Track03.wav DR15 -3.56 dB -21.22 dB Track04.wav DR15 -2.93 dB -21.33 dB Track05.wav DR17 -0.79 dB -19.99 dB Track06.wav DR16 -2.20 dB -21.35 dB Track07.wav DR18 over -20.57 dB Track08.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 8 Official DR value: DR16
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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