Album details

Artist The Temptations
Album Number 1's
Year 2020
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
10 09 10 12 11 11 11 10 11 10 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Motown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code 602508300486
Log file
 Analyzed Folder: /Volumes/T7/Digitized Vinyl/The Temptations/Number 1's/WAV/WAV_dr.txt
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR10       -0.32 dB   -12.79 dB  01 - My Girl.wav              
DR9        -0.75 dB   -11.57 dB  02 - Get Ready.wav            
DR10       -0.47 dB   -13.68 dB  03 - Ain't Too Proud To Beg.wav
DR12       -1.36 dB   -15.03 dB  04 - Beauty Is Only Skin Deep.wav
DR11       -0.45 dB   -12.91 dB  05 - (I Know) I'm Losing You.wav
DR11       -0.19 dB   -14.00 dB  06 - I Wish It Would Rain.wav 
DR11       over       -13.52 dB  07 - I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You).wav
DR10       -0.61 dB   -13.59 dB  08 - Runaway Child, Running Wild.wav
DR11       -0.21 dB   -13.84 dB  09 - I Can't Get Next To You.wav
DR10       -2.26 dB   -14.33 dB  10 - Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me).wav
DR14       over       -17.02 dB  11 - Papa Was A Rolling Stone.wav

 Number of Files: 11
 Official DR Value: DR11

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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