Album details

Artist Udo Lindenberg & Das Panikorchester
Album Galaxo Gang - Das sind die Herren vom anderen Stern [vinyl]
Year 1976
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 10 12 14 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 13
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Telefunken -DECCA Schallplatten GmbH
Label code -
Catalog number 6.22460
Bar code -
Country Germany
Comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed folder: Udo Lindenberg & Das Panikorchester - Galaxo Gang (Vinyl-Rip) (1976) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR11 -3.04 dB -14.88 dB 01 Rock 'N' Roller.wav DR10 -2.97 dB -14.87 dB 02 Reggae Meggi.wav DR12 -7.13 dB -21.03 dB 03 Nina.wav DR14 -1.29 dB -17.40 dB 04 Wenn ich 64 bin.wav DR11 -0.31 dB -12.46 dB 05 Ich bin Rocker.wav DR12 -2.67 dB -17.40 dB 06 Radio Song.wav DR12 -0.96 dB -14.45 dB 07 Bodo Ballermann.wav DR12 -3.33 dB -16.96 dB 08 Gene Galaxo_ 1990.wav DR11 -3.43 dB -16.62 dB 09 Gene Galaxo_ Der Mutant.wav DR11 -2.41 dB -15.07 dB 10 Gene Galaxo_ Die Welt ist prima.wav DR12 -0.66 dB -13.46 dB 11 Maedchen.wav DR11 -8.97 dB -23.47 dB 12 Lililiputaner_ Manege.wav DR13 -1.13 dB -17.30 dB 13 Lililiputaner_ Felix.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 13 Official DR value: DR12 ==============================================================================================
Log file
 Analyzed folder: Udo Lindenberg & Das Panikorchester - Galaxo Gang (Vinyl-Rip) (1976)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR11		-3.04 dB 	-14.88 dB 	01 Rock 'N' Roller.wav
 DR10		-2.97 dB 	-14.87 dB 	02 Reggae Meggi.wav
 DR12		-7.13 dB 	-21.03 dB 	03 Nina.wav
 DR14		-1.29 dB 	-17.40 dB 	04 Wenn ich 64 bin.wav
 DR11		-0.31 dB 	-12.46 dB 	05 Ich bin Rocker.wav
 DR12		-2.67 dB 	-17.40 dB 	06 Radio Song.wav
 DR12		-0.96 dB 	-14.45 dB 	07 Bodo Ballermann.wav
 DR12		-3.33 dB 	-16.96 dB 	08 Gene Galaxo_ 1990.wav
 DR11		-3.43 dB 	-16.62 dB 	09 Gene Galaxo_ Der Mutant.wav
 DR11		-2.41 dB 	-15.07 dB 	10 Gene Galaxo_ Die Welt ist prima.wav
 DR12		-0.66 dB 	-13.46 dB 	11 Maedchen.wav
 DR11		-8.97 dB 	-23.47 dB 	12 Lililiputaner_ Manege.wav
 DR13		-1.13 dB 	-17.30 dB 	13 Lililiputaner_ Felix.wav

 Number of files:	13
 Official DR value:	DR12

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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