Album details

Artist Sweven
Album The Eternal Resonance [Digipack]
Year 2020
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 08
Track DR
08 08 07 08 07 08 07 08
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Van-Records
Label code VAN296
Catalog number
Bar code 4250936529601
Country Germany
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Sweven - The Eternal Resonance Digipack 2020\
 438221@1Disc 11940 VAN RECORDS VAN296 4250936529601
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR8	  -0.19 dB	  -9.57 dB	 Track 01.wav	The Spark	
 DR8	  -0.16 dB	  -9.67 dB	 Track 02.wav	By Virtue Of A Promise
 DR7	  -0.07 dB	  -9.29 dB	 Track 03.wav	Reduced To An Ember
 DR8	  -0.07 dB	  -9.32 dB	 Track 04.wav	The Sole Importance
 DR7	  -0.11 dB	  -9.07 dB	 Track 05.wav	Mycelia
 DR8	  -0.09 dB	 -10.11 dB	 Track 06.wav	Solemn Retreat
 DR7	  -0.15 dB	  -8.99 dB	 Track 07.wav	Visceral Blight
 DR8	  -0.20 dB	 -11.32 dB	 Track 08.wav	Sanctum Sanctorum

 Number of files:    8
 Official DR value:  DR7 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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