Album details

Artist Vader
Album Solitude In Madness
Year 2020
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 12 12 11 12 12 13 12 12 11 11
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Nuclear Blast
Label code 27361 50041
Catalog number
Bar code 7 27361 50041 2
Country USA
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\Users\Doug\Desktop\Desktop\Music to be sorted\9 To Sam\Vader\Solitude In Madness (Vinyl Rip)\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR12	  -0.28 dB	 -13.47 dB	 And Satan Wept.wav
 DR12	  -1.32 dB	 -14.36 dB	 Bones.wav
 DR12	  -0.50 dB	 -13.83 dB	 Dancing in the Slaughterhouse (Acid Drinkers cover).wav
 DR11	  -1.51 dB	 -14.09 dB	 Despair.wav
 DR12	  -0.28 dB	 -13.91 dB	 Emptiness.wav
 DR12	  -0.53 dB	 -14.05 dB	 Final Declaration.wav
 DR13	  -0.00 dB	 -13.95 dB	 Incineration Of The Gods.wav
 DR12	  -0.68 dB	 -13.50 dB	 Into Oblivion.wav
 DR12	  -0.10 dB	 -13.97 dB	 Sanctification Denied.wav
 DR11	  -0.84 dB	 -13.84 dB	 Shock And Awe.wav
 DR11	  -1.52 dB	 -14.14 dB	 Stigma Of Divinity.wav

 Number of files:    11
 Official DR value:  DR12 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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