Album details

Artist Elvis Presley
Album Let's Be Friends
Year 2015
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 12 14 12 11 11 11 12 14 10 12 12
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label Follow That Dream Records / Sony Music / RCA
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Country EU
Log file
Folder Path:   /Users/*/Desktop/Let's Be Friends

                                                       File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                                               01 Stay Away, Joe |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.02 | -13.89 |       11 | 
                               02 If I'm A Fool (For Loving You) |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.38 | -15.38 |       12 | 
                                             03 Let's Be Friends |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.13 | -17.37 |       14 | 
                                 04 Let's Forget About The Stars |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.79 | -16.70 |       12 | 
                                                         05 Mama |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -3.09 | -17.27 |       11 | 
                                                06 I'll Be There |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -1.50 | -16.32 |       11 | 
                                                       07 Almost |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -1.15 | -16.47 |       11 | 
                                              08 Change Of Habit |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.02 | -14.51 |       12 | 
                                                 09 Have A Happy |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.04 | -16.24 |       14 | 
                                                10 Rubberneckin' |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.29 | -12.66 |       10 | 
                                                  11 Let Us Pray |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.24 | -14.89 |       12 | 
12 Universal Studios promotional interview with Mary Tyler Moore |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -2.44 | -14.44 |       12 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 12
Official EP/Album DR: 12
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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