Album details

Artist The Divine Comedy
Album Swallows And Amazons - The Original Piano Demos [Office Politics Deluxe Edition Disc 2]
Year 2019
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
09 08 09 08 06 09 09 10 09 09 08 09 08 08 07
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Divine Comedy Records Limited
Label code
Catalog number DCRL112CDX
Bar code 5024545855623
Country UK
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /DC/2019 - Office Politics (UK, DCR, DCRL112CD + DCRL112CDX)/CD2
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR9		-0.65 dB 	-12.15 dB 	01. Whistle for a Wind.wav
 DR8		-0.79 dB 	-12.19 dB 	02. The Swallow.wav
 DR9		-0.94 dB 	-11.94 dB 	03. The Conquering Heroes.wav
 DR8		-0.91 dB 	-11.94 dB 	04. Fighting Swallow.wav
 DR6		-0.73 dB 	-8.31 dB 	05. The Amazon Pirates.wav
 DR9		-0.66 dB 	-11.98 dB 	06. The Parley.wav
 DR9		-0.88 dB 	-14.07 dB 	07. Better Drowned Than Duffers.wav
 DR10		-0.79 dB 	-11.95 dB 	08. Let's Make the Best of It.wav
 DR9		-0.83 dB 	-11.39 dB 	09. Navy Stroke.wav
 DR9		-0.78 dB 	-12.58 dB 	10. Like Robinson Crusoe.wav
 DR8		-0.73 dB 	-10.74 dB 	11. Titty's Dream.wav
 DR9		-0.80 dB 	-11.25 dB 	12. The Conquering Heroes, Victory Chorus.wav
 DR8		-1.06 dB 	-11.08 dB 	13. The Black Spot.wav
 DR8		-0.70 dB 	-12.07 dB 	14. The Parley - Flint's Apology.wav
 DR7		-0.76 dB 	-11.28 dB 	15. Swallows and Amazons Forever.wav

 Number of files:	15
 Official DR value:	DR8

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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