Album details

Artist Justin Hayward
Album Spirits...Live
Year 2014
Album DR 06
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 07
Track DR
06 07 06 07 05 06 06 06 07 06 06 05 06 05 06
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
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Catalog number
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Log file
Folder Path:   /Spirits Live

                              File Name | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                 01 - Tuesday Afternoon |    +0.27 |  -7.64 |        6 | 
02 - It's Up To You - Lovely To See You |    -0.01 |  -8.12 |        7 | 
                 03 - In Your Blue Eyes |    +0.11 |  -7.59 |        6 | 
                   04 - The Western Sky |    +0.18 |  -9.58 |        7 | 
              05 - Land Of Make Believe |    +0.13 |  -6.95 |        5 | 
                       06 - New Horizon |    +0.24 |  -7.77 |        6 | 
                  07 - In The Beginning |    +0.61 |  -7.68 |        6 | 
                   08 - One Day Someday |    +0.28 |  -8.24 |        6 | 
                   09 - The Eastern Sun |    -0.40 | -11.06 |        7 | 
   10 - It's Cold Outside Of Your Heart |    -0.06 |  -7.89 |        6 | 
               11 - Your Wildest Dreams |    +0.32 |  -7.27 |        6 | 
                    12 - Forever Autumn |    +0.46 |  -7.36 |        5 | 
                          13 - Question |    +0.71 |  -7.15 |        6 | 
             14 - Nights In White Satin |    +0.25 |  -8.05 |        5 | 
 15 - I Know You're Out There Somewhere |    +0.20 |  -7.14 |        6 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 15
Official EP/Album DR: 6
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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