Album details

Artist Spock's Beard
Album Gluttons For Punishment
Year 2005
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
11 09 10 08 09 09 10 09 08 09 09 09 13 10 08 07
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
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Log file
Folder Path:   /Gluttons For Punishment

                      File Name | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                     01 - Intro |    -9.41 | -22.37 |       11 | 
  02 - The Ballet Of The Impact |    +1.44 | -13.39 |        9 | 
      03 - I Wouldn't Let It Go |    +0.04 | -13.12 |       10 | 
04 - Surfing Down The Avalanche |    +0.12 | -10.14 |        8 | 
         05 - She Is Everything |    +0.17 | -12.83 |        9 | 
     06 - Climbing Up That Hill |    -0.01 | -10.18 |        9 | 
                07 - Letting Go |    -2.92 | -19.44 |       10 | 
   08 - Of The Beauty Of It All |    +1.34 | -11.28 |        9 | 
                09 - Harm's Way |    +1.31 | -11.02 |        8 | 
                       10 - NWC |    +1.70 | -12.41 |        9 | 
     11 - At The End Of The Day |    +1.94 | -11.30 |        9 | 
           12 - The Bottom Line |    +0.94 | -12.09 |        9 | 
                13 - Ryo's Solo |    -1.38 | -20.41 |       13 | 
          14 - Ghosts Of Autumn |    +0.38 | -13.12 |       10 | 
        15 - As Long As We Ride |    +0.69 | -10.42 |        8 | 
                 16 - The Light |    +1.69 | -10.49 |        7 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 16
Official EP/Album DR: 9
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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