Album details

Artist Panoptique Electrical
Album Five Pianos
Year 2020
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
13 14 10 08 11
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Download
Label Sound In Silence
Label code
Catalog number sis077
Bar code
Country Greece
Comment Carefully mastered by George Mastrokostas (aka Absent Without Leave), Five Pianos is a wonderful album of ambient piano for immersions, highly recommended for fans of Harold Budd, Sylvain Chauveau, Antonymes, Library Tapes and Akira Kosemura.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/orlandolaman/Downloads/new releases by Yellow6 and Panoptique Electrical/panoptique electrical - five pianos (sound in silence, 2020)
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR13		-0.76 dB 	-17.90 dB 	01 Spiral Song.mp3
 DR14		-0.09 dB 	-20.18 dB 	02 It Rains Tonight.mp3
 DR10		-1.48 dB 	-13.83 dB 	03 The Lighthouse.mp3
 DR8		-0.39 dB 	-13.43 dB 	04 Doors Leading Where.mp3
 DR11		-0.88 dB 	-15.84 dB 	05 Night Dance.mp3

 Number of files:	5
 Official DR value:	DR11

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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