Album details

Artist Euglossine
Album Blue Marble Agony (24-bit/48kHz)
Year 2020
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
08 09 09 09 08 09 07 08 08
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Download
Label Genot Centre
Label code
Catalog number GEN042
Bar code
Country Czech Republic
Comment Mastering by Angel Marcloid.
Log file
 Analyzed folder: /Users/orlandolaman/Downloads/gen042_Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony_wav
 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR8		-0.50 dB 	-10.70 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 01 Skyblight.wav
 DR9		-0.50 dB 	-11.02 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 02 Zea Field Infinity.wav
 DR9		-0.50 dB 	-11.05 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 03 Brains In The Vat.wav
 DR9		-0.50 dB 	-11.13 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 04 Ego Chaise.wav
 DR8		-0.50 dB 	-10.20 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 05 N-tropic.wav
 DR9		-0.51 dB 	-13.31 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 06 No Species.wav
 DR7		-0.50 dB 	-10.39 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 07 Blue Marble Agony.wav
 DR8		-0.50 dB 	-11.30 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 08 Eco Fascist Dethroned.wav
 DR8		-0.50 dB 	-10.64 dB 	Euglossine - Blue Marble Agony - 09 Tubingensis Mould.wav

 Number of files:	9
 Official DR value:	DR8

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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