Album details

Artist Bee Gees
Album Birth of Brilliance 1963-1966 (CD 2)
Year 1994
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
10 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 10 13 13 15 12 13 12 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Festival Records Pty.
Label code
Catalog number D 45813/4
Bar code 9399604581321
Country Australia
Comment 1994 CD reissue of compilation originally issued on vinyl in 1978. Not to be confused with the 1998 2-CD compilation titled "Brilliant from Birth".
Log file
 Analyzed folder: G:\Bee Gees\ Birth Of Brilliance 1963-1966 Disc 2\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR10	  -3.17 dB	 -15.69 dB	 01 Bee Gees - In The Morning (Original Version) (02-53).wav
 DR12	  -2.14 dB	 -15.71 dB	 02 Bee Gees - Like Nobody Else (02-36).wav
 DR12	  -0.00 dB	 -13.27 dB	 03 Bee Gees - All By Myself (02-27).wav
 DR13	  -0.00 dB	 -14.34 dB	 04 Bee Gees - Storm (02-31).wav
 DR12	  -0.65 dB	 -16.07 dB	 05 Bee Gees - Butterfly (03-15).wav
 DR12	  -2.79 dB	 -16.21 dB	 06 Bee Gees - Terrible Way To Treat Your Baby (02-52).wav
 DR12	  -1.63 dB	 -15.48 dB	 07 Bee Gees - Exit, Stage Right (02-30).wav
 DR12	  -0.40 dB	 -14.75 dB	 08 Bee Gees - Coalman (02-54).wav
 DR10	  -2.78 dB	 -16.24 dB	 09 Bee Gees - I Am The World (02-35).wav
 DR13	  -0.52 dB	 -16.54 dB	 10 Bee Gees - Cherry Red (03-07).wav
 DR13	  -3.12 dB	 -17.23 dB	 11 Bee Gees - I Want Home (02-24).wav
 DR15	  -1.84 dB	 -18.74 dB	 12 Bee Gees - Monday's Rain (Single version) (02-59).wav
 DR12	  -2.67 dB	 -16.55 dB	 13 Bee Gees - How Many Birds (01-59).wav
 DR13	  -0.00 dB	 -15.39 dB	 14 Bee Gees - Secondhand People (02-03).wav
 DR12	  -4.46 dB	 -19.26 dB	 15 Bee Gees - Born A Man (03-10).wav
 DR12	  -1.35 dB	 -14.74 dB	 16 Bee Gees - Spicks & Specks (,0-47).wav

 Number of files:    16
 Official DR value:  DR12 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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