Album details

Artist Lynyrd Skynyrd
Album Skynyrd's Innyrds: Their Greatest Hits
Year 1989
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
12 12 12 12 14 14 14 13 12 12 14 10 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label MCA Records
Label code
Catalog number MCABD 42293
Bar code 0 7674-22293-2 0
Country Canada
Comment I'll add these details. My copy is made in the USA, and all info is identical. Analyzed folder: M:\LynyrdSkynyrdInnyrdsorigMCA\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 -1.18 dB -15.00 dB Track01.wav DR12 -1.80 dB -15.14 dB Track02.wav DR12 -1.41 dB -15.88 dB Track03.wav DR12 -0.37 dB -15.03 dB Track04.wav DR14 over -15.95 dB Track05.wav DR14 -0.40 dB -16.36 dB Track06.wav DR14 -0.36 dB -15.89 dB Track07.wav DR13 -2.30 dB -16.74 dB Track08.wav DR12 -1.18 dB -14.88 dB Track09.wav DR12 -3.00 dB -16.56 dB Track10.wav DR14 -0.97 dB -16.71 dB Track11.wav DR10 -2.93 dB -14.71 dB Track12.wav DR11 -2.67 dB -14.60 dB Track13.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 13 Official DR value: DR12
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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