Album details

Artist Gregory Porter
Album All Rise - Deluxe
Year 2020
Album DR 08
Min. track DR 05
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
07 07 07 09 07 09 08 07 10 09 08 09 08 08 08 05
Codec MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Source Download
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment 320kbps MP3 from Google Play Music
Log file
 Analyzed folder: G:\muziek\Gregory Porter\All Rise Deluxe\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR7	  -0.00 dB	  -8.63 dB	 01 - Concorde.mp3
 DR7	  -0.19 dB	  -8.77 dB	 02 - Dad Gone Thing.mp3
 DR7	  -0.00 dB	  -7.77 dB	 03 - Revival Song.mp3
 DR9	  -0.69 dB	 -12.16 dB	 04 - If Love Is Overrated.mp3
 DR7	  -0.22 dB	  -8.78 dB	 05 - Faith In Love.mp3
 DR9	  -0.56 dB	 -11.56 dB	 06 - Merchants Of Paradise.mp3
 DR8	  -0.33 dB	  -9.27 dB	 07 - Long List Of Troubles.mp3
 DR7	  -0.39 dB	  -8.36 dB	 08 - Mister Holland.mp3
 DR10	  -0.67 dB	 -13.49 dB	 09 - Modern Day Apprentice.mp3
 DR9	  -0.26 dB	 -11.47 dB	 10 - Everything You Touch Is Gold.mp3
 DR8	  -0.37 dB	  -9.56 dB	 11 - Phoenix.mp3
 DR9	  -0.65 dB	 -11.81 dB	 12 - Merry Go Round.mp3
 DR8	  -0.46 dB	 -10.36 dB	 13 - Real Truth.mp3
 DR8	  -0.45 dB	 -10.23 dB	 14 - You Can Join My Band.mp3
 DR8	  -0.56 dB	 -11.03 dB	 15 - Thank You.mp3
 DR5	  -0.00 dB	  -6.13 dB	 16 - Revival.mp3

 Number of files:    16
 Official DR value:  DR8 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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