Album details

Artist Ozric Tentacles
Album Tantric Obstacles
Year 1993
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 16
Track DR
12 10 12 16 12 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Dovetail
Label code
Catalog number Dove OT 2
Bar code
Country UK
Comment DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 -0.52 dB -15.42 dB (01)Og-Ha-Be.wav DR10 -0.52 dB -13.39 dB (02)Shards Of Ice.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -14.23 dB (03)Sniffing Dog.wav DR16 -0.52 dB -19.62 dB (04)Music To Gargle At.wav DR12 -3.65 dB -20.03 dB (05)Ethereal Cereal.wav DR13 -0.52 dB -16.44 dB (06)Atmosphear.wav DR13 -0.52 dB -16.10 dB (07)Ullular Gate.wav DR12 -5.31 dB -23.57 dB (08)Tentacles Of Erpmind.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -15.15 dB (09)Trees Of Eternity.wav DR12 -1.14 dB -16.17 dB (10)Mescalito.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -15.51 dB (11)Oddham Shaw Style.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -14.59 dB (12)Become The Other.wav DR12 -0.52 dB -16.38 dB (13)Gnuthlia.wav DR12 -1.29 dB -16.47 dB (14)Sorry Style.wav DR11 -0.52 dB -14.22 dB (15)The Aum Shuffle.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 15 Official DR value: DR12
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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