Album details

Artist Stryper
Album Soldiers Under Command (21A 66 ENIG 72077 Y matrix Japan for US/Euro)
Year 1985
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 11
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Enigma
Label code
Catalog number CDE-73217
Bar code 018777321723
Country Japan for US/Europe
Comment Pressed by Denon. This mastering is unique and different from the other Japan for US/Euro pressing by Daio Kosan (311 matrix) and the CBS/Sony Japan for Japan. Thus, there are 3 different original masterings prior to the Hollywood remaster. This was analyzed with TT DR offline, not MAAT (I mistakenly clicked the MAAT box),
Log file
 Analyzed folder: C:\My Music\2018 Media Monkey\Stryper\Soldiers Under Command 21A 66 ENIG 72077 Y\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename

 DR11	  -1.90 dB	 -15.86 dB	 01 Stryper - Soldiers Under Command.wav
 DR12	  -0.51 dB	 -14.85 dB	 02 Stryper - Makes Me Wanna Sing.wav
 DR12	  -3.58 dB	 -17.45 dB	 03 Stryper - Together Forever.wav
 DR12	  -1.32 dB	 -18.32 dB	 04 Stryper - First Love.wav
 DR11	  -3.95 dB	 -16.82 dB	 05 Stryper - The Rock That Makes Me Roll.wav
 DR12	  -1.68 dB	 -16.55 dB	 06 Stryper - Reach Out.wav
 DR12	  -3.39 dB	 -17.12 dB	 07 Stryper - (Waiting For) A Love That's Real.wav
 DR12	  -2.92 dB	 -19.11 dB	 08 Stryper - Together As One.wav
 DR11	  -1.82 dB	 -15.71 dB	 09 Stryper - Surrender.wav
 DR12	  -1.74 dB	 -17.78 dB	 10 Stryper - Battle Hymn of The Republic.wav

 Number of files:    10
 Official DR value:  DR12 

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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