Album details

Artist Bon Jovi
Album Crush [Cassette Rip]
Year 2000
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 09 10 10
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Mercury
Label code
Catalog number 5425614
Bar code 73145425614
Country Turkey
Comment foobar2000 1.1 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.0 log date: 2012-02-19 13:33:36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: ? / ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR9 -5.10 dB -15.74 dB 3:42 ?-A01 - It's My Life DR9 -5.18 dB -16.19 dB 3:30 ?-A02 - Say It Isn't So DR9 -5.27 dB -18.43 dB 5:04 ?-A03 - Thank You for Loving Me DR9 -5.00 dB -16.71 dB 5:05 ?-A04 - Two Story Town DR9 -4.83 dB -16.00 dB 6:12 ?-A05 - Next 100 Years DR9 -4.42 dB -16.21 dB 4:24 ?-A06 - Just Older DR9 -4.94 dB -16.56 dB 5:11 ?-A07 - Mystery Train DR9 -6.07 dB -17.60 dB 5:27 ?-B01 - Save the World DR9 -6.04 dB -17.23 dB 4:31 ?-B02 - Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen from Mars DR10 -6.10 dB -19.66 dB 5:11 ?-B03 - She's a Mystery DR10 -5.73 dB -17.37 dB 4:31 ?-B04 - I Got the Girl DR9 -5.10 dB -16.58 dB 4:13 ?-B05 - One Wild Night DR10 -5.10 dB -18.07 dB 4:34 ?-B06 - I Could Make a Living Out of Lovin' You -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tracks: 14 Official DR value: DR9 Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Bitrate: 1411 kbps Codec: PCM ================================================================================ Ripped from brand new factory sealed cassette from twin Alba cassette deck to Audacity via Line In. Encoded to CD Quality WAV format. No noise removal has been applied apart from the 30 second gap after the intro on "I Could Make a Living out of Lovin' You". That aside, this is a bare-bone rip. The tape deck itself was on standard settings. No bass boost switched on. Volume level set to go no higher than -3dB in order to avoid clipping or crackling distortion at the higher frequencies. Drums don't seem to be clipped and seems to have a little more space between instruments. On the whole, a much warmer sound than the CD. Don't throw away your cassettes just yet!
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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