Album details

Artist Sara Lazarus with Biréli Lagrène Gipsy Project
Album It's All Right With Me
Year 2006
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 06
Max. track DR 09
Track DR
06 07 07 07 08 06 09 07 09 07 06 07
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Dreyfus Jazz
Label code
Catalog number FDM 46050 366932
Bar code
Country France
Log file
Folder Path:   /Volumes/It's All Right With Me

                               File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                      1 Gypsy In My Soul |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    -1.09 | -10.61 |        6 | 
             10 The Way You Look Tonight |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.25 | -10.20 |        7 | 
11 In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.57 | -10.99 |        7 | 
                       12 Cheek To Cheek |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.39 |  -9.84 |        7 | 
               2 Taking A Chance On Love |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.22 | -11.34 |        8 | 
        3 What A Little Moonlight Can Do |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.31 |  -9.86 |        6 | 
                       4 Embraceable You |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +1.62 | -11.30 |        9 | 
                5 It's All Right With Me |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    -0.22 | -10.39 |        7 | 
                          6 Dans Mon ILe |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +1.37 | -11.99 |        9 | 
                             7 Deed I Do |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.69 | -10.85 |        7 | 
                        8 Down With Love |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    -1.13 | -10.06 |        6 | 
                                   9 Jim |  .aiff | 44.1k |          16 |    +0.25 | -11.14 |        7 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 12
Official EP/Album DR: 7
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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