Album details

Artist Sierra Hull
Album 25 Trips
Year 2020
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 13
Track DR
12 13 10 11 13 10 11 10 11 11 11 10 11
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Vinyl
Label Rounder Records
Label code
Catalog number 1166100580
Bar code 888072100404
Log file
foobar2000 1.3.15 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2020-03-23 08:29:04

Analyzed: Sierra Hull / 25 Trips

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR12      -0.41 dB   -16.62 dB      2:51 01-Beautifully Out Of Place
DR13      -0.30 dB   -16.14 dB      2:39 02-Middle Of The Woods
DR10      -1.88 dB   -15.12 dB      4:49 03-How Long
DR11      -1.43 dB   -16.00 dB      2:59 04-25 Trips
DR13      -2.99 dB   -20.24 dB      4:05 05-Ceiling To The Floor
DR10      -2.39 dB   -15.88 dB      3:48 06-The Last Minute
DR11      -1.24 dB   -16.99 dB      3:07 07-Escape
DR10      -2.16 dB   -15.22 dB      3:15 08-Poison
DR11      -1.09 dB   -16.97 dB      3:30 09-Waiting
DR11      -5.08 dB   -20.64 dB      4:24 10-Everybody's Talking
DR11      -2.21 dB   -16.28 dB      2:26 11-Envy
DR10      -6.36 dB   -19.83 dB      2:28 12-Less
DR11      -3.69 dB   -18.95 dB      4:02 13-Father Time

Number of tracks:  13
Official DR value: DR11

Samplerate:        96000 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   24
Bitrate:           2331 kbps
Codec:             FLAC
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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