Album details

Artist Sweven
Album The Eternal Resonance
Year 2020
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 07
Max. track DR 08
Track DR
07 07 07 07 07 08 07 08
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Download
Label Van Records
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment Official Bandcamp download in 24-bit AIFF
Log file
 Analyzed Folder: /Users/Downloads/Sweven-The Eternal Resonance_dr.txt
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR7        -0.69 dB   -9.97 dB   Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 01 The Spark.aiff
DR7        -0.69 dB   -10.07 dB  Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 02 By Virtue Of A Promise.aiff
DR7        -0.68 dB   -9.69 dB   Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 03 Reduced To An Ember.aiff
DR7        -0.69 dB   -9.72 dB   Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 04 The Sole Importance.aiff
DR7        -0.68 dB   -9.47 dB   Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 05 Mycelia.aiff
DR8        -0.67 dB   -10.51 dB  Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 06 Solemn Retreat.aiff
DR7        -0.69 dB   -9.38 dB   Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 07 Visceral Blight.aiff
DR8        -0.69 dB   -11.72 dB  Sweven - The Eternal Resonance - 08 Sanctum Sanctorum.aiff

 Number of Files: 8
 Official DR Value: DR7

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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