Album details

Artist Perturbator
Album The Uncanny Valley
Year 2016
Album DR 02
Min. track DR 01
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
01 01 01 06 04 01 01 03 02 01 01 03 01
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Download
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Log file
foobar2000 1.4.6 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2020-03-10 20:07:40

Analyzed: ? / ?

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR1       -0.21 dB    -2.20 dB      4:14 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 01 Neo Tokyo
DR1       -0.21 dB    -2.99 dB      5:27 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 02 Weapons For Children
DR1        0.00 dB    -2.84 dB      4:24 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 03 Death Squad
DR6       -0.20 dB    -7.11 dB      5:34 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 04 Femme Fatale (Feat. Highway Superstar)
DR4        0.00 dB    -4.44 dB      5:08 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 05 Venger (Feat. Greta Link)
DR1        0.00 dB    -2.43 dB      6:10 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 06 Disco Inferno
DR1        0.00 dB    -1.74 dB      5:33 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 07 She Moves Like A Knife
DR3       -0.22 dB    -3.93 dB      5:33 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 08 Sentient (Feat. Hayley Stewart)
DR2        0.00 dB    -2.94 dB      4:39 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 09 Diabolus Ex Machina
DR1        0.00 dB    -3.23 dB      4:09 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 10 Assault
DR1        0.00 dB    -2.48 dB      3:58 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 11 The Cult Of 2112
DR3       -0.21 dB    -5.39 dB      6:21 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 12 Souls At Zero (Feat. Astronoid)
DR1       -0.03 dB    -3.67 dB      6:54 ?-PERTURBATOR - The Uncanny Valley - 13 The Uncanny Valley

Number of tracks:  13
Official DR value: DR2

Samplerate:        44100 Hz
Channels:          2
Bits per sample:   24
Bitrate:           2117 kbps
Codec:             PCM
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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