Album details

Artist Pat Metheny
Album From This Place (96/24)
Year 2020
Album DR 12
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 12 10 13 14 14 12 12 12 12
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source Download
Label Nonesuch
Label code
Catalog number 075597924374
Bar code
Comment Qobuz download skerns
Log file
Folder Path:   /Volumes/Neptune/Neptune Music/iTunes Media/Music/Pat Metheny/From This Place

              File Name | Format |  SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

   01 America Undefined |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    +0.13 | -16.59 |       11 | 
        02 Wide and Far |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    +0.01 | -15.06 |       12 | 
             03 You Are |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |     0.00 | -14.16 |       10 | 
          04 Same River |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    +0.13 | -17.25 |       13 | 
           05 Pathmaker |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    +0.27 | -18.18 |       14 | 
      06 The Past in Us |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    -1.96 | -20.43 |       14 | 
07 Everything Explained |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    +0.06 | -15.66 |       12 | 
     08 From This Place |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    -6.17 | -22.92 |       12 | 
           09 Sixty-Six |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    +0.11 | -17.08 |       12 | 
10 Love May Take Awhile |   .m4a | 96k |  32 (float) |    -5.31 | -21.82 |       12 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 10
Official EP/Album DR: 12
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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