Album details

Artist Robyn Hitchcock
Album Respect
Year 1993
Album DR 10
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
10 09 09 11 09 10 10 11 11 11
Codec Apple Lossless (ALAC/MP4/M4A)
Source CD
Label A&M
Label code 31454 0064 2
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment skerns
Log file
Folder Path:   /Volumes/Neptune/Neptune Music/iTunes Media/Music/Robyn Hitchcock/Respect

                        File Name | Format |    SR | Word Length | Max. TPL |  LUFSi | DR (PMF) | 

                  01 The Yip Song |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    +0.04 | -10.67 |       10 | 
                  02 Arms Of Love |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.41 | -12.50 |        9 | 
               03 The Moon Inside |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.66 | -11.47 |        9 | 
                 04 Railway Shoes |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.12 | -13.18 |       11 | 
               05 When I Was Dead |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.19 | -10.86 |        9 | 
   06 The Wreck Of The Arthur Lee |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    +0.02 | -13.17 |       10 | 
  07 Driving Around (Radio Storm) |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.35 | -12.30 |       10 | 
08 Serpent At The Gates Of Wisdom |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    +0.02 | -12.79 |       11 | 
              09 Then You're Dust |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -1.45 | -14.80 |       11 | 
                    10 Wafflehead |   .m4a | 44.1k |  32 (float) |    -0.29 | -15.70 |       11 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 10
Official EP/Album DR: 10
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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