Album details

Artist Marilyn Manson
Album Antichrist Superstar (Spotify rip)
Year 1996
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 14
Track DR
11 11 11 10 10 12 10 10 10 11 11 11 09 11 09 09 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment DR11 -4.46 dB -17.86 dB 1. Irresponsible Hate Anthem.wav DR11 -4.70 dB -18.81 dB 10. Angel With The Scabbed Wings.wav DR11 -3.88 dB -16.25 dB 11. Kinderfeld.wav DR11 -3.73 dB -16.88 dB 12. Antichrist Superstar.wav DR9 -4.95 dB -15.91 dB 13. 1996.wav DR11 -5.22 dB -18.68 dB 14. Minute of Decay.wav DR11 -4.14 dB -16.85 dB 2. The Beautiful People.wav DR11 -4.28 dB -18.31 dB 3. Dired Up.wav DR10 -4.30 dB -15.98 dB 4. Torniquet.wav DR10 -5.72 dB -17.56 dB 5. Little Horn.wav DR12 -7.40 dB -21.56 dB 6. Cryptochid.wav DR10 -4.82 dB -16.90 dB 7. Deformography.wav DR10 -4.86 dB -16.96 dB 8. Wormboy.wav DR10 -3.93 dB -17.14 dB 9. Mister Superstar.wav
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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