Album details

Artist Genesis
Album From Genesis to Revelation
Year 2008
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Varèse Sarabande
Label code
Catalog number 302 066 895 2
Bar code 0 30206 68952 5
Country US
Log file
foobar2000 1.3.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2014-09-01 11:34:52

Analyzed: Genesis / From Genesis to Revelation

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR10      -3.24 dB   -17.55 dB      3:16 01-Where the Sour Turns to Sweet
DR10      -1.38 dB   -13.58 dB      3:43 02-In the Beginning
DR11      -3.29 dB   -17.76 dB      4:18 03-Fireside Song
DR11      -0.85 dB   -14.95 dB      4:39 04-The Serpent
DR11      -3.04 dB   -17.75 dB      3:31 05-Am I Very Wrong?
DR11      -1.72 dB   -17.01 dB      3:40 06-In the Wilderness
DR11      -0.45 dB   -13.87 dB      3:22 07-The Conqueror
DR11      -0.87 dB   -16.24 dB      2:39 08-In Hiding
DR10      -0.77 dB   -16.06 dB      3:20 09-One Day
DR11      -3.46 dB   -18.83 dB      3:35 10-Window
DR11      -0.86 dB   -15.65 dB      3:29 11-In Limbo
DR11      -1.46 dB   -15.63 dB      2:14 12-The Silent Sun
DR12      -6.52 dB   -23.54 dB      2:02 13-A Place to Call My Own
DR10      -1.56 dB   -14.78 dB      2:19 14-The Silent Sun [*][Single Version]
DR10      -2.23 dB   -15.96 dB      2:43 15-That's Me [*][Single]
DR9       -2.54 dB   -15.03 dB      3:34 16-A Winter's Tale [*][Single]
DR9       -2.11 dB   -13.98 dB      2:36 17-One Eyed Hound [*][Single]

Number of tracks:  2
Official DR value: DR11

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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