Album details

Artist Leigh Nash
Album The State I'm In
Year 2015
Album DR 09
Min. track DR 08
Max. track DR 10
Track DR
09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 09 09 08
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
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Country USA
Log file
 Analyzed folder:  Leigh Nash - The State I'm In
 DR	Peak	RMS	Duration	File name	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -12.16 dB	 3:50	 Leigh Nash - 01 - Spider And The Moth.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -10.86 dB	 3:18	 Leigh Nash - 02 - Cruel heart.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -12.10 dB	 3:39	 Leigh Nash - 03 - Chicago.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -12.09 dB	 2:39	 Leigh Nash - 04 - Mountain.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -12.16 dB	 3:06	 Leigh Nash - 05 - What's Behind Me.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -11.24 dB	 3:00	 Leigh Nash - 06 - Somebody's Yesterday.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -12.52 dB	 2:56	 Leigh Nash - 07 - The Promise Break.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -13.47 dB	 3:39	 Leigh Nash - 08 - Dreaming Out Loud.flac	
 DR10	 -0.35 dB	 -11.94 dB	 3:20	 Leigh Nash - 09 - The State I'm In.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -11.33 dB	 3:25	 Leigh Nash - 10 - High Is Better.flac	
 DR9	 -0.35 dB	 -11.75 dB	 3:14	 Leigh Nash - 11 - Tell Me Now Tennessee.flac	
 DR8	 -0.35 dB	 -10.59 dB	 2:49	 Leigh Nash - 12 - Doing It Wrong.flac	
Number of files:    12
Official DR value:  DR9
Dr14 T.meter 1.0.16 
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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