Album details

Artist Diesel King
Album The Ancient and the Nameless
Year 2012
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 04
Max. track DR 05
Track DR
05 05 05 05 04
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
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Log file
 Analyzed Folder: D:\My Music\Diesel King\The Ancient and the Nameless\The Ancient and the Nameless_dr.txt
DR         Peak       RMS        Filename                      

DR5        over       -5.73 dB   Diesel King - The Ancient and the Nameless - 01 - La Santa Muerte.flac
DR5        over       -5.28 dB   Diesel King - The Ancient and the Nameless - 02 - War Song.flac
DR5        over       -5.72 dB   Diesel King - The Ancient and the Nameless - 03 - The Ancient and the Nameless.flac
DR5        over       -6.61 dB   Diesel King - The Ancient and the Nameless - 04 - Pillars of Creation.flac
DR4        over       -5.17 dB   Diesel King - The Ancient and the Nameless - 05 - Toumai.flac

 Number of Files: 5
 Official DR Value: DR5

Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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